Bath Half Marathon

Created by Kate 15th October 2023 This event has closed


We are family. Myself and some of my cousins; Nick, Matt, Stuart & Ross are running the Bath Half Marathon in memory of Sue Deeprose (Mum & Auntie to us!) on her birthday to remember her love and life, with stoicism and strength. Learning from the best, Mum (Auntie Sue) taught us to be loyal and commit to our challenges, no excuses! This one will be tough, but will help us all mentally and physically with Mum in our hearts. Sue was diagnosed with secondary Pancreatic Cancer in February 2019 and it was only 3 months until she passed away on 17th May 2019. She tackled her diagnosis and prognosis head on and we are determined to do the same with this Half Marathon! Please help us support PCUK in order to fund resources for early detection of Pancreatic Cancer, saving lives and love. It’s unacceptable that more than half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within 3 months. Survival rates have improved enormously for most cancers, yet for pancreatic cancer, this is not the case. Pancreatic Cancer UK is dedicated to taking on this injustice using every possible means. They're supporting people with pancreatic cancer now, campaigning, and funding vital research to transform the future. Help them to make the breakthroughs that people with pancreatic cancer so desperately need.
